Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Little About Me

If I were a dog, I guess I would be a mutt. I am a complex amalgam of family, education, and faith. I am not wishy-washy; I just cannot be labeled by one or two words.

Family is very important to me. My husband, parents, siblings, nieces and nephews, and other family members are at the core of my being. I delight in spending time with them. Sometimes we wear each other out, but at the end of the day, I know that I am loved, and they know that they are loved.

Educating others and learning about anything and everything are also important to me. The twenty years I have spent teaching have offered many opportunities to teach and learn new programs, new curriculum, etc. But from all that I have learned and from all of those from whom I have learned, the best lessons and the lessons that have changed me the most have been taught by my students.

My faith is what keeps me grounded. Teaching Sunday school and participating in Bible study have not only grown my faith, but they have also strengthened the foundation on which I live and work.

All of these elements, and more, make me- me.


  1. I think it is so important to be open to the lessons of our students. Thanks for sharing your journey.

    Kevin Hodgson
    Sixth grade teacher
    Western Massachusetts

  2. Welcome to the blogosphere. Im delighted to see such a "grounded" SC educator to add to my reader.

  3. Welcome to the world of blogging. Let me know how I can help you throughout this process.

