Sunday, March 7, 2010

Lesson 6- Just Breathe

The first five lessons of this blog have all had to do with technology in one way or the other. This lesson is about life in general- not necessarily technology- although technology does have a part to play in the lesson I am currently learning.

These last two and a half weeks have been so very stressful and crazy. I am not complaining; I am so very grateful for my family, my job, my friends, and the many opportunities and blessings I have been given. I am just overwhelmed. When I finally sit down at night to fold clothes, read classwork, grade papers, talk to my husband, I literally fall asleep. I feel as if my head will explode, my heart will burst out of my chest, and my eyes will pop from all of the tension. I can't really explain from where this tension comes- a combination of lots of things.

So today, I claim peace. I will do my best not to let things get to me as they have in the past. When my computer goes nuts- as it has in the last three weeks- I'll make peanut butter and look for smoother days. When the clothes pile up, I will wash and fold them one load at a time and be thankful I have something to wear. When the papers bury me, I'll dig my way out, one essay at a time. And when I feel my heart begin to burst out of my chest- I'll just breathe. I will take a deep cleansing breath and be thankful God has given me another day to breathe. I will take a deep cleansing breath and thank God for all of the blessings He has given me (especially my understanding husband who takes the ink pen or unfolded wash cloth out of my hand when he finds me asleep on the couch, or wherever I may be, and covers me with a blanket in case I get cold during the night.) --- I'll just breathe.

In response to the stress I have been feeling, I wrote a poem of sorts, just for fun. As part of my "Writing in the Digital Classroom" assignment, I have created a podcast.


  1. So eloquently stated. I find myself dreaming nightly of the PLPs I have not yet completed, the IEPs that need to be done, the notebooks that are not ready for tomorrow, the lesson plans that are clearly in my head, but not written down,,,yada, yada, yada. I used to wait tables. Any waitress will confirm the existence of the "waitress nightmare." Your parties are always across the street or at another restaurant or it is 4:00, and I am at home. I woke up the other morning and my first thought was that I never waited on those 19 people. You can't help but wonder how we do this and even why we do it. But, you are right. I am so thankful that I have a boring, simple life compared to some of the stories I hear of my colleagues. I am so thankful that I love and trust my husband. I am so thankful that we have equally worked hard and have been money conscious and are not in debt. I am so thankful that we enjoy growing tomatoes in the summer and going to the beach and doing house projects together and working in the yard. Thanks. I think my blood pressure just dropped.

  2. Thanks for posting such precious words Missy. We do need to take those few moments just to breathe! After I read Tuesdays with Morrie, I made a promise to myself to do just that-to appreciate the simple! Glorify in the quiet! Ultimately, just love in the present!!!
